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Video: What's your X-Factor?

⚡️Experts’ Factor X – What’s the most important variable in business, media, communication?

🏁2 days of Digital X are over … well, 3 days actually!

💡👯At our special evening event right before the first day of the convention, we invited various experts and innovative minds to converse and connect – not only for social networking purposes, but rather to find “Factor X”…

😉We didn’t call the event “People X Tech X Digital X” for nothing!

🏆What does that X in “Digital X” stand for? That Factor X? What is the most important and most impactful factor in communication, tech, business and media?

🧮Just like the variable in mathematics, this X is also impacting our future and each of us individually. However, in this case, the factor is way more flexible and harder to define as just one concept.

✨That is why we asked all the impressive, impactful personalities that we were so lucky to meet at Digital X what they consider ‘the’ factor X.

💎Michelle Hunziker, Jessica Alba, Harper Reed, Daan Roosegaarde and more let us in on their most important factors in their businesses.

❓Now it’s your turn! What’s your Factor X?