TechWellTold at

Steve Wozniak

🆕📱 The new iPhone: Innovative or same old? – What does Steve "the Woz" Wozniak think?

📆 In the tech world, there's one thing you can almost certainly count on in September: Apple's annual keynote.

🎤 This year as well, the newest innovations around the Apple Watch, iPhone and AirPods were announced. Although... That's probably somewhat debatable because for many people, the improvements for the Phone 14 are too marginal compared to the previous model.

🤔 Some might even think “What would Steve Wozniak say?”

💡 Since we're at Digital X in Cologne anyway, we thought we'd ask the computer engineer and Co-Founder of Apple Computers himself. (Of course, it wasn't that easy-peasy and in passing, but let us live the moment, here 😉)

❓ We asked him what he thinks about the new release and whether he has ordered the new iPhone already.

➡️ Stay tuned for more! ⚠️ And don’t forget to tune into the livestream today at 14.45 (2.45 pm). Sarah Yvonne Elsser will be giving a TechWellTold keynote on the Interactive Stage. 🌟 You don’t want to miss out on this one!